

Located 32km North of Albury, 20km South of Culcairn, 14km South East of Walla Walla.

Mostly arable, connected to town water, suitable for grazing and cropping, good stand of timber for stock shelter, fenced into 5 paddocks, each with a trough along with a large dam. A rectangular shaped block which ranges from flat to rising productive country.

Secure that small acreage property you have always dreamed of in a sought after location, complete with dwelling entitlement along with stunning views of Table Top.

Greater Hume Shire Rates: $1,300 per annum.

A great opportunity to invest in agriculture, there never has been a better time to make the move.

Auction Friday 17th March at 2pm on site.
1 1 247.35 ac
Address . West Street, Gerogery
Price SOLD
Property Type Rural
Property ID 1276
Land Area 247.35 ac

Agent Details

Stephen Paull photo

Stephen Paull

02 6058 1234
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