

Superbly located within the much sought after North East District, close proximity to the Rutherglen Wine District and aquatic playground of The Ovens and Murray Rivers.
In 2 titles consisting of rising country through to prime River flats, ideal breeding/fattening block with excellent shade and shelter trees found throughout the property.
Improvements include weekend style self- contained air conditioned unit complete with sleeping quarters, kitchen & meals area along with a bathroom. Working improvements include a workshop, steel cattle yards, hay shed and good storage shedding. A reliable bore supplies 3 troughs for stock water.

All Inspections strictly by appointment.

AUCTION Friday April 28th 2:00pm on site
1 1 286.79 ac
Address 248 Thompsons Lane, Peechelba East
Price SOLD for $780,000
Property Type Rural
Property ID 1339
Land Area 286.79 ac

Agent Details

Stephen Paull photo

Stephen Paull

02 6058 1234
View Profile
Bernard Ivone photo

Bernard Ivone

0428 522 572
View Profile