Versatile Industrial Shed

An extremely versatile property of approximately 1,062 square metres with a 22 metre x 17 metre industrial shed which includes a 6 metre x 17 metre open bay area, lock up shed area of approximately 264 square metres with plenty of height, small store room, disable friendly toilet and kitchenette area, 2 roller doors and a large area of concrete parking area.

Tenders to close Friday 23rd November 2018 at 5.00pm,

at the office of Paull & Scollard Pty Ltd

74 Standish Street, Myrtleford. 3737

Disclaimer: All care has been taken in compiling these particulars, but the vendor and their agents do not guarantee the details and cannot accept responsibility for errors or misdescriptions if any. Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the correctness of details.

1 1 4 1,062 m2
Address 3 Mathews St, Myrtleford
Price SOLD
Property Type Residential
Property ID 1623
Category Other
Land Area 1,062 m2
Warehouse Area 374m2

Agent Details

Bernard Ivone photo

Bernard Ivone

0428 522 572
View Profile