563.41 HECTARES / 1,392.19 ACRES

  • Located 8km Jindera, 21km Albury, 34km Howlong.
  • Gently sloping to low hills, stony outcrops on hills, some scattered timber.
  • Alluvial, well drained soils in valley, shale soils into the hills.
  • Well-timbered with red gum, white box, stringybark.
  • Watered from catchment dams, well, rainwater tanks.
  • Fencing of a high standard, netting & steel, both boundary & internal.
  • Two bedroom vinyl weatherboard home.
  • Improvements include large machinery shed, 2 stand cyclone woolshed, steel sheep yards, timber cattle yards, 2 x 4t. Kotzur silos, 1 x 5t. Kotzur silo, 2 hay sheds, old dairy with power.

'Golden Valley' is conveniently located in the Albury 'dress circle' within 20 minutes of the CBD, currently running a self-replacing merino flock, equally suited to beef cattle. Significant potential for increased carrying capacity, much of the property capable of direct drill seeding.




Due to social distancing measures and legislation implemented by the NSW Government in response to COVID-19, the following important restrictions will be in place for this Auction:

  • To ensure social distancing guidelines are met, only qualified buyers with a genuine interest in purchasing the property will be able to attend – unfortunately spectators will not be permitted on this occasion.
  • COVID Regulations allow a maximum of 43 people including staff in the auction room, therefore a maximum of 2 people per interested party will be able to attend, numbers permitting – we sincerely apologise for any disappointment these limits may cause.
  • All attendees must complete the COVID-19 attendance record ie. provide their name, address, phone number and email address before entering the premises.
  • Interested parties must register to bid in addition to completing the COVID-19 attendance record – we recommend pre-registering your interest in bidding with the listing agents to ensure permitted numbers are not exceeded.
  • All attendees must observe social distancing guidelines of 1 person per 4sqm.
  • All attendees must obey instructions from Paull & Scollard Nutrien Ag Solutions or The Albury Club representatives and leave the property if requested to do so.
  • We recommend all attendees download/activate the COVIDSafe App as an additional precautionary measure, use the hand sanitiser provided, wear masks and gloves and avoid touching surfaces.

Please note: Entry will not be permitted if you are unwell or exhibit symptoms of COVID-19.

Paull & Scollard Nutrien Ag Solutions would like to thank you for your understanding and cooperation with the above guidelines.


Disclaimer: All care has been taken in compiling these particulars, but the vendor and their agents do not guarantee the details and cannot accept responsibility for errors or misdescriptions if any. Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the correctness of details.

2 1 1 563.41 ha
Address 'Golden Valley', 782 Bungowannah Road, Jindera
Price SOLD
Property Type Rural
Property ID 1934
Land Area 563.41 ha

Agent Details

Roger Bramley photo

Roger Bramley

0477 220 133
View Profile
Stephen Paull photo

Stephen Paull

02 6058 1234
View Profile